How to Cancel Your Grandview Las Vegas Timeshare

How to Cancel Your Grandview Las Vegas Timeshare

Is the price you’re being charged for your Grandview Las Vegas timeshare fair? Yes, it’s simple to be uncovered in a Las Vegas sales meeting. There are exciting casinos, five-star resorts with gourmet cuisine and beautiful performances. Before speaking with a salesperson, you probably assumed you couldn’t afford a timeshare in Las Vegas.


Perhaps the complimentary drinks from the open bar were the catalyst for the good time. They don’t tell you you’re signing up for lifetime maintenance payments. You have probably been looking for ways to get out of Grandview Las Vegas timeshare contract. You need a quick way out of your timeshare now more than ever!


If you own a timeshare in Grandview, Las Vegas and are looking to unload a unit you no longer want, keep reading to learn about your options.


Grandview Las Vegas Timeshare Rescission Law

We like to recommend getting in touch with Grandview Resorts Las Vegas, the timeshare developer in this issue. Rescission period is between 3-14 days depending on the state in which your timeshare is located. Nevada stipulates that you have until the fifth calendar day after the date of your purchase to exit your timeshare and receive a full refund. You now have sufficient time to review your contract and learn its full terms.


You should move quickly if you want to use your right of rescission. The first step is to send the resort an official cancellation letter explaining your decision to stay there no longer. The letter is best mailed overnight via certified or registered mail so the timeshare developer has to sign when they receive the mail. This prevents the timeshare developer from saying they never got the letter.


When dealing with the Grandview Hotel Las Vegas, be wary of delays. Timeshare companies will do whatever it takes to prevent you from canceling your contract.


Grandview Las Vegas Timeshare Resale vs. Exit

You could try selling your Grandview timeshare on the secondary market. The Grandview Resort Las Vegas is one of the more well-liked timeshare resorts in the city. You’ll find that Grandview at Las Vegas timeshares is priced similarly to other timeshares on eBay and craigslist, with starting bids as low as $1.


If you’ve done your homework, you know that your timeshare isn’t worth much and that selling it won’t be simple. The Grandview Resort Las Vegas has been a BBB-accredited establishment since February 2021, when they gave it an “A” rating. Their parent firm, El Dorado Resorts Corporation, has a shocking reputation, receiving an “F” grade, 1.06 out of 5 stars, and being a non-accredited corporation with the Better Business Bureau.


Don’t take any chances with a timeshare resale just because you’re in Sin City. If you’re determined to sell your timeshare anyhow, do it with the help of brokers or companies that don’t charge any upfront costs and have a proven track record.


Most resort developers are unwilling to help timeshare owners terminate their contracts, preferring to continue collecting maintenance fees. However, some have started accepting timeshares back from people seeking to terminate their contracts. If you’ve decided to cancel your timeshare membership, you first need to contact the corporation that issued your membership.


Because of this, some timeshare exit organizations work with lawyers to help owners exit their undesirable timeshares. Because of the prevalence of scams in the timeshare sector, you must do your homework before using an exit company.


Unfortunately, many timeshare exit companies have taken money from customers, disappearing or never truly canceling the timeshare and keeping the money. For this reason, we like to recommend working with a timeshare exit company that accepts escrow payments option.


GrandView Las Vegas Deedback Program.

You can return your timeshare to the resort’s developer in a deed-back arrangement. While a deed-back won’t net you any immediate cash, it could help you save on your mortgage and upkeep costs in the long run. The first thing to do if you want to deed the property back to the resort is to investigate whether or not that is a possibility.


It is possible to return your timeshare to the resort through a deed-back clause or program. Until then, you’ll have to keep up with your mortgage payments and any necessary assessments.


Alternatives to Deed back

You have options if the resort you own a timeshare at won’t take it back. The maintenance expenses for timeshares can often be covered by having the resort rent out your unit on your behalf. Either you or a timeshare realtor can sell the timeshare for you. Before signing the timeshare resale agreement, make sure to read everything. It is not best if a company wants money up front to sell your timeshare. Scammers posing as timeshare resale companies exist, and they will gladly take your money and run. Verify the real estate agent’s license with your state’s regulatory agency to ensure they are in good standing.


Grandview Las Vegas Customer Reviews

Several reviews explain why people wish to cancel their timeshares at Grandview Las Vegas. You can find numerous one-star ratings of the business on its Glassdoor and TripAdvisor pages, including the following:


From TripAdvisor:

  • “SCAM SCAM SCAM at the Grandview! Warning!!!! Don’t buy this timeshare and if you must be VERY VERY careful. I own at Grandview and have a 2 bedroom suite with 2 deeded weeks and was also given an additional 80,000 bonus points per year forever. As of this year without notice, Grandview removed all my bonus points and coverted them 2 bonus weeks. These bonus weeks as most timeshare owners know are impossible to use on with RCI at places you want. I called and complained but the manager named PAM told me, what is deeded is all you get and i am lucky if i even got bonus weeks. She and another manager with a false name (John Harris) told me bonus weeks or bonus points are never placed on the deeded contracts, since they are intangible values. WTF. They also told me Grandview has the right to change points or weeks anytime they wish without notice and i just need to deal with it. They mocked me as being not intelligent enough to not read the deeded contract carefully and next time i should request it to be placed on the deeded contract. How contradictory is that, since they said bonus points or bonus weeks are not and cannot be placed in the contracts. Errrr…frustrating….Please don’t be scammed!!”

From TrustPilot:

  • “RCI Points are a Ripoff!! Wow! Where do I start except to say that this is a timeshare resort that lets greed get in its way. If you go to Las Vegas and want to enjoy it – stay on the strip or downtown, not here. Beware of the reviews on this site – most are from the owners of this timeshare. Good things – Very clean and new. Bad things; Located about 6 miles from the south edge of the strip ~ Either depending on their shuttle or a $25 minimum Taxi ride each way. Not enough Parking – they are building a parking garage – It is not centrally located – so expect to park a long way from your room. Isolated from the Vegas strip – Paid 25,000 RCI Points for this 3-day stay – Not worth it. They don’t make up the room each day. Very thin walls – You can hear the toilet flush and the shower run from next door. It was so loud that we thought my son was in the shower. $10/day for internet access. Moral of the story – Do not join a timeshare! They verbally misled us – If there is a class action lawsuit, we would like to join in.”

Class Action Lawsuit Against Grandview Las Vegas

  • Leber v. Berkley Group Inc., MICHAEL LEBER, RICK BRUNTON, THOMAS KELLEY, SONIA NUNEZ, JOHN RANGEL, and…United States District Court, D. Nevada Case No. 08-civ 1752 PMP/PAL (D. Nev. May. 12, 2011)
  • Yeremenko et al. v. The Berkley Group Inc., et al., case no. CACE-13-028175 was filed on Dec. 31 in the 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida in Broward County. According to the lawsuit, The Berkley Group and its affiliates started employing an automated dialing system to get in touch with timeshare owners at the Grandview at Las Vegas in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Vacation Village at Parkway in Kissimmee, Florida. Due to the harassing calls, the plaintiffs thought they had to settle a supposed debt to stop getting the misdirected communications.

Why Escrow is Important and the Dangers of Paying High Fees Upfront

When you use an escrow service, your money is held in a separate account by a neutral party while the corporation cancels your timeshare. That way they would refund your money straight if they fail to deliver the promised service. This is significant since it protects your financial stability and provides motivation for the timeshare exit firm to terminate your ownership.


Too many timeshare owners have paid a resale or cancellation business up front only to find out months later that their property is still in their name and was never canceled. Do not allow this to happen to you! You should ensure that your chosen company doesn’t charge you a lot of money upfront.


Exiting Grandview Las Vegas Timeshare Benefits

Owning a timeshare may seem like a terrific option because it offers a dependable holiday spot for your family. However, several things can cause this enjoyment to decline over time. Here are some benefits of canceling a timeshare:


Costly Maintenance Charges

The high maintenance fees are also another significant justification for canceling your timeshare. The owners are still responsible for maintenance even when they aren’t using the area. Additionally, there is no assurance that costs will remain stable; thus, prices could rise over time. Timeshares are shared properties; therefore, you can be liable for harm done by others. The reality is that you don’t wind up with the image that salespeople portray during their pitches. Your expenses will increase, and creditors will harass you if you can’t make your payments. Increased maintenance costs ought to be sufficient justification for terminating your contract.



It’s no secret that timeshares at the Grandview Resort Las Vegas are in high demand. Due to its prevalence, you should be wary of any timeshare exit firms that try to overcharge you.


Try to negotiate a lower price whenever possible; you might be surprised at the savings. Don’t ever go along with the first quote you read. Numerous timeshare exit businesses have started charging $10,000, only to lower their final price to $5,000. Save fifty percent! Negotiating the price even a little bit can only help you.


Each year, a plethora of fraudulent timeshare sales are reported. We like to recommend using an escrow service provided by a company that specializes in timeshare exits to avoid any initial outlays of cash. Learn your rights so you can legally exit Grandview Las Vegas timeshare contract.


If you’re looking to get rid of Grandview Las Vegas timeshare, browse our list of trusted timeshare exit companies, give us a call at 619-354-2362, or submit a contact form or live chat on the right side of the page.



  • How Do I Get Rid of Grandview Las Vegas Timeshare?

You can revoke timeshare contracts signed in Nevada in writing until the end of the fifth calendar day from the date of signing. You must be given the option to back out of the sale in the contract. We like to recommend hiring a trustworthy timeshare exit company to help you rescind your contract after the rescission period has passed.


  • Can I Give My Timeshare Back to Grandview Las vegas?

One choice is to give your timeshare back to the resort if you cannot sell it on the open market. There is a possibility that Grandview Las Vegas will reclaim the unit from you, provided that it is paid off and you are an owner in good standing.


  • Why Do People Cancel Grandview Las Vegas Timeshare?

Too many property owners never even have the opportunity to use their holiday homes. Despite their enthusiasm about their timeshare purchase, owners frequently refrain from using it because resorts are frequently booked up. We like to recommend hiring a timeshare exit provider that also offers an escrow payment option.




  • Yeremenko et al. v. The Berkley Group Inc., et al., case no. CACE-13-028175 was filed on Dec. 31


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